In the initial phase of his company, everything was very difficult. 百度创立之初,一切都非常困难。
The SI is committed to another project during the initial phase of the redesign project, but by delaying the start date of the project by30 days; the Systems Integrator will be available. SI在此再设计项目的初始阶段也负责另一个项目,但是必须把这个项目的开始日期延迟30天,系统集成员才可以参与。
In carrying out the governance process, in the initial phase, one must determine the governed processes& i.e., those organizational processes to which decision rights and measures are assigned. 在治理过程的执行中,在最初的阶段,您必须确定受治理的过程&也就是,决策权和度量分配到的组织的过程。
All the projects of the ODF Toolkit Union open source community are in the initial phase of development. ODFToolkitUnion开放源码社区的所有项目都处于开发的初始阶段。
Many organizations experiment with Web services ( by wrapping existing applications) as a means of exploring the world of service integration, use the results to determine how to proceed beyond an initial phase. 很多组织试用Web服务(通过包装现有应用程序),作为探索服务集成领域的一种方法,以结果决定如何超越初始阶段。
The primary page for the initial phase of the project, for example, would collect selection criteria for dynamic queries. 例如,项目初始阶段的主页面将为动态查询收集选择标准。
A million enrollees is far short of the seven million goal the Obama administration set for the initial phase of the Affordable Care Act. 一百万注册量远远低于奥巴马政府对可支付医疗法案初始阶段的七百万目标设定。
The lessons of the past decade suggest that a clearly bounded extension of US military action means taking responsibility at most for the initial phase, not the permanent defeat of Isis, in which the west should only play a supporting role. 过去10年的教训表明,美国扩大军事行动要有明显界限,这意味着至多在最初阶段承担责任,而不是永久性地击败ISIS&西方只应在后续阶段扮演支持角色。
The next stage is growing as a middle income economy, which will naturally be slower than the initial phase. 在下一阶段,中国将作为一个中等收入国家继续增长,而增长的速度自然要比初始阶段慢一些。
When institutions open their doors they have to have a generous attitude and be very patient in the initial phase of the collaboration. 研究机构要打开他们的大门,就必须要有慷慨的态度,在合作初期还要有相当的耐心。
The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising. 项目还处于第一阶段,但看起来很有前景。
A high performance measurement of initial phase via a Dual Interpolated DFT method based on error information is presented. 提出了一种基于误差知识的二重插值DFT方法用于高精度时钟初相测量。
Thus, while there was an initial phase of policy procrastination, once their governments had decided to act, decisions were taken and, crucially, implemented. 因此,尽管最开始政策有所延误,但一旦决定采取行动,政府就能做出决定,而且关键是能够执行决定。
During this initial phase you will need to take notes and do an exposure every day at approximately the same time. 你的日志记录要包括每次照射持续时间(剂量),治疗日期,照射后的皮肤效果。
We are commencing the initial phase of development in2007-2008with a sales projection of$ 2 million within the state of tasmania. 我们正开始着手第一阶段2007-2008年度销售计划在塔斯马尼亚地区内销售额达到2000000美元。
Compradors were very active in the initial phase of modern Chinese national insurance industry, being the main force to initiate national insurance industry. 买办在近代民族保险业初创时期表现活跃,是创办民族保险业的主力。
According to the dynamic and kinematic equations of forced vibration, the amplitude and initial phase of forced vibration are obtained. 根据受迫振动的动力学方程和运动学方程,利用旋转矢量法求受迫振动的振幅和初相。
The Government proposed to include three products-refrigerating appliances, room air conditioners and compact fluorescent lamps-in the initial phase of the mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling scheme. 政府建议将雪柜、气机和紧凑型荧光灯(电胆)入首阶段的强制性标签计划。
Current indications suggest a 4th millennium BC date for this initial phase. 从现有资料推算,这个最初阶段可能在公元前4000年开始。
The durable art is always unaccepted at the initial phase but it explores a great existence. 不为人所接受是持久性艺术的最初待遇,开启那伟大的存在。
The term wx/ v can be incorporated in the initial phase. wx/v这一项可以合并入初位相。
According to the target spacecraft ′ s orbit height and the chaser spacecraft ′ s orbit height, the design method of the target ′ s initial phase for the rendezvous orbit was presented. 根据目标飞行器轨道高度和追踪飞行器入轨轨道高度,给出了目标飞行器交会对接轨道初始相位的设计方法。
In the initial phase, the Directory will be available in English and Mandarin. 在初始阶段,通讯录提供英文和中文两个版本。
Analysis of Initial Phase Trajectory for the Torpedo Launched by Underwater Unmanned Vehicle 无人水下航行器发射鱼雷初始弹道分析
For this initial phase, only related parties in Mexico will be eligible to join C-TPAT. 在初始阶段,只有在墨西哥的相关方才可加入C-TPAT。
What is a child, an initial phase of a human being who lives without any concept of norms? 那么作为人类的前阶段在混沌中生活的孩子是什么呢?
Efficacy of Intravenous co-therapy and extended initial phase therapy on retreatment pulmonary tuberculosis 静脉联合治疗和延长强化期治疗对复治肺结核疗效的影响
Effect of Initial Phase on Estimation Error of Frequency Response Analysis of Wow and Flutter 抖晃初相在振动频响估计误差中的作用
In spite of investor enthusiasm since early March, those thinking about getting exposure this late in "the initial phase of a cyclical recovery in these markets" should be cautious, says Mr Durham. 德拉姆表示,尽管自3月初以来投资者热情高涨,但在“这些市场周期性复苏的最初阶段”,考虑在这么晚的时间投资金砖四国,应谨慎行事。
The initial phase difference of the fiber interferometer is calculated by measuring the interference photocurrent and the photocurrents from the two fiber arms based on a temperature control plat. 利用恒温控制平台,通过测量干涉光电流和干涉仪两臂光电流的方法,实现了对全光纤干涉仪两臂初相位差的测量。